Spoiling opportunities is actually ... an option ... and sometimes even ... a must. The one of not following ... pathless paths. … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Even since Bill Clinton was a governor of Arkansans ... he was making jokes with his friends ... regarding the ladies from his life and asking ... “What should i do with all those ladies from my life?!”

I wrote few times about that ... and every time i remember what he said ... it comes in my mind the contradictory illusory balance of what we should choose ... when great opportunities are appearing on the timeline of our lives.

Should we do it?!

Is it right?!

... but still is a great chance.

Today ... i am not believing anymore in what society defined as morality ... and i believe more in what we should call ... experience life in all its aspects ... positive or negative ones.

But i also learnt one thing ... from my life experience ... and that is the fact that even if we should experience anything life has to offer to us ... doing it 2-3 ... 100 times ... the


same thing ... when we already saw that the path itself is a pathless path ... is just silly ... especially when we even try to convince ourselves that it should be bad ... to spoil those opportunities.

And we continue life ... going to nowhere, even if we should just stop ... and explore other options of life.

And even if you believe ... same as i do ... that morality is not anymore an important thing to keep in mind ... and that we have the right to experience everything ... even if it good or evil ... we should also remember that all the life lessons that we do not understand ... are keep appearing ... on and on and on.

Meditating ... analyzing ad defining where we are ... and why we are there ... we might even come to the conclusion that indeed ... spoiling opportunities is actually ... an option ... and sometimes even ... a must.

It is the decision ... of not following pathless paths ... especially when we actually know the whole script for those experiences.

And this is the point of life ... when we understand the abstract concept of ... the pathless path ... but also try to find a way of connecting to the inner self and ask for the real guidance that we need for understanding which direction we should follow.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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